Revolution UO

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Çevrimdışı DiaboLique

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« : 13 Nisan 2010, 13:17:52 »
Öncelikle merhaba arkadaşlar...
Ben oyuna yeni başlayan ve yaklasık 1 senedir oynamadığım için ve server ile yeterli bilgi edinemememden dolayı sizlerden ufak ufak yardımlar isteyeceğim. Sadece birkaç sorum olacak..

1. Server 7x mi ?
2. Player sayısı ne kadar ?
3. Etkinlikler nasıl oluyor(belli bir sistemi var mı )
4. Hangi Class daha avantajlı(Ben pm-warlock-warior her türlü oynarım)
5. Serverde En güzel vuran silahlar vb. özel itemler varsa nelerdir ?
6. Yardım eden etmeyen herkezi seviyorum :)

Şimdiden cevaplayan arkadaşlarıma teşekkürler.

Bundan Sonra Alayına İsyan Ulan !  Adamına Göre Muamele...

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« Yanıtla #1 : 13 Nisan 2010, 13:32:51 »
evet yedi iks

akşamları 150

yapılıyor işte pvp ler haftalık diğerleri de sık sık yapılıyo..

hepsi iyidir.. P.mage biraz daha avantajlı gibi robelerle falan..

Bilindik şeyler Katana herzamanki gibi vikingden iyi yani :)

Özel itemler;
Pure magelerin giyebildiği robeler var 4 dene büyülerden etkilenmediği şeyleri var işte sistemlerde görebilirsin..

Deri setler var ayrıyetten 3 tane bunlar pahalı öyle herkezde göremezsin..

Başka da bişey yok.. Warlocklar şu özelliği olmayan mage robeleri giyebiliyor 75 eva istiyor Armor veriyor..

Çevrimdışı DiaboLique

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« Yanıtla #2 : 13 Nisan 2010, 13:34:45 »
Warlock - pm arasında deseler ben yine warlock derim fakat aşırı olarak pm üstünlüğü var mıdır serverde ?

Bundan Sonra Alayına İsyan Ulan !  Adamına Göre Muamele...

Çevrimdışı Ramualda

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« Yanıtla #3 : 13 Nisan 2010, 14:00:17 »
Eee madem başladık :) Bende sorularımı sorayım cevaplayacak arkadaşlara şimdiden teşekkür ediyorum...

1) MF'nin "War Mace-Maul" gibi silahlarında "Set Parçalama,Set Kırma" var mı?
2) Archery için özel olarak ok var mı? Yani "Pvp Turnuvasında" işime yarayacak türden bir ok var mı?
3) Wrest'in etkinliği nedir serverde? Arms Lore ile birlikte kullanacağım işe yarıyor mu?
4) İtem kasmak için mage karakter mi yoksa archery karakter mi kullanmak daha kolay?
5) Evleri bizmi uğraşarak yapıyoruz yoksa para ile mi alıyoruz?

Yanıtlayanlara şimdiden teşekkürler...Yanıtlamayanlarında canları saolsun :D
« Son Düzenleme: 13 Nisan 2010, 14:02:03 Gönderen: Ramualda »


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« Yanıtla #4 : 13 Nisan 2010, 14:30:58 »
1) Evet War Maceyle yardirabilirsin onune gelene. Kalkan malkan kalmaz.
2) Archery icin birsuru ozel ok var, en iyileri quakin<ulrika seklinde. Quakin 100 k ya ulrika da 450 k ya bulunabilir.
3) Wrest burada yok.
4) Illa ikisinden birini kasacam diyorsan archery derim, zaruri degilse fishingle parayi kirabilirsin. Itemi de satin alirsin.
5) Evleri vendordan aliyorsun, small house yaklasik 135 k kadardi.

Çevrimdışı Ramualda

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« Yanıtla #5 : 14 Nisan 2010, 15:06:56 »
1) Evet War Maceyle yardirabilirsin onune gelene. Kalkan malkan kalmaz.
2) Archery icin birsuru ozel ok var, en iyileri quakin<ulrika seklinde. Quakin 100 k ya ulrika da 450 k ya bulunabilir.
3) Wrest burada yok.
4) Illa ikisinden birini kasacam diyorsan archery derim, zaruri degilse fishingle parayi kirabilirsin. Itemi de satin alirsin.
5) Evleri vendordan aliyorsun, small house yaklasik 135 k kadardi.

Çok teşekkür ederim....

Sayende kafamda warriorun skillerini oturttum...
4.sorudan anladığım kadarıyla ikiside olur diyorsun zaten action için P.Mage kasıyorum o zaman özel item kasma charına gerek yok :)

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« Yanıtla #6 : 15 Nisan 2010, 10:52:29 »
[Abstract]Language communication is an important method to maitain social relationship,so people often use the indirect or pleasant expressions in the plance of those cnsidered unpleasant,and rude in communication.It is not only a Linguistic phenomenon,but also a kind of social phenomenon and cultural phenomenon.It iseuphemism.Euphemism is widely used in every social  class and field ,and it has it’s own deep religions origin and historical origin.Euphemism plays a very impantant role in people’s social communicatin.This paper will expound the communicative function of English euphemism from three aspecte:evasive function,courtesy function,disguise function.And also expound the importance of it in social communication.To know these could help us to understand the western culure and promote it’s social inflence in the internatinal development.
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Euphemism is originally from Greek,dog clothes meaning”speak with good words”.”eu” means”well or sonuding well”;”pheme”means”speech”.It’s definition in oxford English Dictionary is”use of pleasant,mild,or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct one.Euphemism is a culturalphenonmenon as well as a linguistic concept.It aims to avoid offensiveness during the communication.It’sa figure of rhetoric by which an unpleasant or offensive thing is described or referred to by a milder term.As a linguistic concept,it has  close relationships with the western culture,and it truly reflects the life and values of English people and their history.It is a culturel phenomenon as well as a linguistic concept.It’s deeply rooted in social life and has a great influence on social communications.The communication without euphemism is unimginable. It’s used like lubrication,which makes the communication go on smoothly.This thesis will have an overview of the origin of English euphemism and state its social communicative function.The study of it can help us understand the western culture and promote the international,negotiations.So there is a great need for use to study English euphemism,including:its origin,its social function and the important of social function in international negotiations.
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2. The definitions of English euphemism
2.1 In the process of communication,maple story mesos the unsuitable or too direct words will make peole feel uncomfortable ,embarrassed,even angry.Then there is a great need for us to use a tactful way to express emotion,exchange ideas.That’s to say,we need to use euphemism.
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2.2 The word”euphemism”was derived from the Greek word”euphemism”,wow gold wedding dresses which means”fair speech”.The prefix”eu”means”good,sound well”and”pheme”means”saying”or”speech”.And thus the literal meaning of”euphemism”is”to speak with good words or in a pleasant manner”.That’s to say,euphemism is used as an alteenative to unpleasant expression.”In Webster’Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language is’he substitution of a mild,indirect,or vague expression for one thought substituted’Rawson Rlunt,a British writer,defined euphemism as’a good favorable internation of a bad word’”[1]Encyclopedia Britannica(1994)also defines euphemism as’a figure of speech in which something of an unpleasant,distressing or indelicate nature is described in less offensive terms’” [2]
2.3 The speakers use words or expressions as aprotective shield against the anger or disapproval of natural or supernational things.
3.The origins and social culture influences of English euphemism
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3.1 The religions origin of English euphemismworld of warcraft gold
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The earliest Englishi euphemisms comefrom’tabo’.world of warcraft power leveling I t indicates evasive language or anction.In primitive society,people can’t explain such things as ailment and some supernatural phenomenon.”people have confusion between the name of things and things themselves.The name is viewed as an extension of things.Justas the idiom says’Speak of devil and he apears’.Naturally the words or phrases related to such things became taboos’[4]In the ancient time,people had blind faith in ghing world of warcraft power leveling

And thus the literal meaning of

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« Yanıtla #7 : 15 Nisan 2010, 12:34:51 »
[Abstract]Language communication is an important method to maitain social relationship,so people often use the indirect or pleasant expressions in the plance of those cnsidered unpleasant,and rude in communication.It is not only a Linguistic phenomenon,but also a kind of social phenomenon and cultural phenomenon.It iseuphemism.Euphemism is widely used in every social  class and field ,and it has it’s own deep religions origin and historical origin.Euphemism plays a very impantant role in people’s social communicatin.This paper will expound the communicative function of English euphemism from three aspecte:evasive function,courtesy function,disguise function.And also expound the importance of it in social communication.To know these could help us to understand the western culure and promote it’s social inflence in the internatinal development.
dog clothes,
Euphemism is originally from Greek,dog clothes meaning”speak with good words”.”eu” means”well or sonuding well”;”pheme”means”speech”.It’s definition in oxford English Dictionary is”use of pleasant,mild,or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct one.Euphemism is a culturalphenonmenon as well as a linguistic concept.It aims to avoid offensiveness during the communication.It’sa figure of rhetoric by which an unpleasant or offensive thing is described or referred to by a milder term.As a linguistic concept,it has  close relationships with the western culture,and it truly reflects the life and values of English people and their history.It is a culturel phenomenon as well as a linguistic concept.It’s deeply rooted in social life and has a great influence on social communications.The communication without euphemism is unimginable. It’s used like lubrication,which makes the communication go on smoothly.This thesis will have an overview of the origin of English euphemism and state its social communicative function.The study of it can help us understand the western culture and promote the international,negotiations.So there is a great need for use to study English euphemism,including:its origin,its social function and the important of social function in international negotiations.
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2. The definitions of English euphemism
2.1 In the process of communication,maple story mesos the unsuitable or too direct words will make peole feel uncomfortable ,embarrassed,even angry.Then there is a great need for us to use a tactful way to express emotion,exchange ideas.That’s to say,we need to use euphemism.
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2.2 The word”euphemism”was derived from the Greek word”euphemism”,wow gold wedding dresses which means”fair speech”.The prefix”eu”means”good,sound well”and”pheme”means”saying”or”speech”.And thus the literal meaning of”euphemism”is”to speak with good words or in a pleasant manner”.That’s to say,euphemism is used as an alteenative to unpleasant expression.”In Webster’Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language is’he substitution of a mild,indirect,or vague expression for one thought substituted’Rawson Rlunt,a British writer,defined euphemism as’a good favorable internation of a bad word’”[1]Encyclopedia Britannica(1994)also defines euphemism as’a figure of speech in which something of an unpleasant,distressing or indelicate nature is described in less offensive terms’” [2]
2.3 The speakers use words or expressions as aprotective shield against the anger or disapproval of natural or supernational things.
3.The origins and social culture influences of English euphemism
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3.1 The religions origin of English euphemismworld of warcraft gold
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The earliest Englishi euphemisms comefrom’tabo’.world of warcraft power leveling I t indicates evasive language or anction.In primitive society,people can’t explain such things as ailment and some supernatural phenomenon.”people have confusion between the name of things and things themselves.The name is viewed as an extension of things.Justas the idiom says’Speak of devil and he apears’.Naturally the words or phrases related to such things became taboos’[4]In the ancient time,people had blind faith in ghing world of warcraft power leveling

And thus the literal meaning of

adam haklıda simdi birşey diyemiyosun fdj  :P
Cılgın Sarkuteri

Sucuk,Pastırma. Daima :P

Kocum benim stizz.Sarı power ranger seni.

Serverın hamoua koyayım sizlere birşey olmasın ya.

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« Yanıtla #8 : 15 Nisan 2010, 14:52:36 »
oha burayı botlar bastı robert ne yapttın siteye robert :D